
In this experiment you are either an investor or a project manager. You will be informed about your role at the beginning of the experiment and your role will stay the same throughout the whole experiment.

There are twice as many project managers as investors in this experiment. Each investor chooses between different project managers. Investors make their choices one after another in random order and there are up to eight investors.

After each investor has chosen a manager, the project manager chooses one from eight possible projects. Each project can either succeed or fail. A successful project earns more money for the investor than an unsuccessful one.

After this decision the project manager chooses one from eight possible projects. Each project can either succeed or fail. A successful project earns more money for the investor than an unsuccessful one.

Neither the investor nor the project manager knows the exact probability with which a project will succeed or fail when choosing it. However, there are only two types of projects::

Each type of project is equally likely to occur.

A successful project generates more earnings for an investor than a failed project, the details of which will be explained later. You are always informed about your potential earnings before the project is implemented, but you never know for certain whether it is of the type with a high or a low success probability.

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